Somatics is a field of mind-body integration practices which help us to be more aware of our physical bodies, sources of discomfort, and internal sensations, and how these impact other aspects of our physical and internal lives. Somatics allows us to deeper understand the way our bodies send us signals of imbalance, helping to refine our intuition.

Yoga falls under the umbrella of somatic work but exists as it’s own modality with a unique and special lineage originating in India. Yoga includes physical asana poses, breath, alignment, philosophy, and dharma talk to integrate the mind, body, and spirit.

I have been utilizing somatic and yoga work for over a decade and started teaching it for a few years now all over the NYC area. In clinical therapy work, we won’t necessarily do yoga or somatic movement right away, but with your openness and willingness I will often pull certain tools and modalities from these two structures to add to the therapeutic work we do together.